Have you been eyeing a tree in your yard, worried it might fall and possibly damage your propery? Here is some advice from the professionals to know if you should conside removing or maintaining a tree.

1. Is there any damaged, broken, or hanging limbs on your tree?
2. Are there any visbly dead limbs on your tree?
3. Does the bark look different or show any signs of changes from its normal pattern?
4. Is the tree leaning?
5. Are there any roots causing damage to your property?
These are some of the questions you can ask when determing the health of your tress and level of safety on your property. Going forward you may notice some of these signs and sometimes these changes may not appear obvious at all on your trees.
Needed tree maintence may not always be obvious or easy to notice. Reach out to a trusted professional in your area if you have questions or conerns about your trees. They can determine the best steps to maintain the health of your trees or if it's time to safely remove the tree from the property.